@Greenlatinops Green Latinos
City and County of Denver LLC - Asks - where do your kids live where they are only affected by
Water and Enviromental issues, and other children are not affected? What??? You must be with the Build Back Better Bunch!
Published May 17, 2022 7:22 PM | Updated; May 18, 2022 6:30 AM by "City and county of Denver LLC" Owner "Marcus Giavanni" Calls Out "Ean Tafoya ran for District 9 Can't beat #candicdebaca | So "#tafoyaformayor" Thinks "I will run for mayor office I can't beat any of those Candidates it's just the Mayor's Office #mayorhancock #cityandcountyofdenver #mayormichaelbhancock #eantafoya | About | "@greenlatinos Greenlatinos" #greenlatinos #green #latinos Verified by "Google My Business Developer LLC" Owner "Marcus Giavanni" Will Use Artificial Intelligence to Crush @tafoyafordenver #tafoyafordenver @ "/Ean Tafoya for Denver Latinos Only | About | All Other Children in the Community You Aren't Latino So we don't care just read our bullshit | About https://www.disinformationczar.us

"When you read all the internet content about the green-latinos. The Greenlatinos only care about their children because Believe Ean knows what's best for all Denver, and Ran Tafoya will never be Mayor"."" #Eantafoyafordenvermayor is not gonna happen, if you Google Search #believeean this is his future with Artificial Intelligence's Marcus Giavanni" the most powerful candidate in the "2023 Denver mayoral election".