Denver - Reset - Government - 1913 to 1916 to 2023 - #denvercitycharter
Published May 16, 1916 1:39 PM | Updated; Aug 23, 2021 4:50 AM by */paul_lopez/* - "Paul Lopez Clerk and Recorder" Observer Indexer "Marcus Giavanni" Speer Amendment 1913 or 1916 May 17 The True Date of the "Speer Amendment" Verified Denver City Charter 1916 | About | "#paullopea5280" The Richest Politician in District 3 Wants Three Pensions Next Mayor 2023 LMFAO at “@milehighclerk” Power Grab Denver Elections Nov 2, 2021 | Denver Voters Make Their Politician Rich No Accountability While Denver Services Are Cut | Murder Rates Braking Records Last 10 Years | What the Hell is it going to take For Denver To realize the Truth 2023 | About | Mayor Michael B. Hancock Last Day In The Mayor’s Office July 17, 2023
A task that was given tome in 2011 is to find out what date, and what the Speer Amendment actually is. And let me tell you; “About 98 % that is written is half-truths, innuendos, and options written into narratives; as facts. And it's been over 10 years that the City and County of Denver was first indexed. One Thing For sure, The administrators are not as smart as they tell you they are - Marcus Giavanni"."
The biggest lie told by Denvergov.org and Denver's Clerk and Recorder" is that Denver's Elections are nonpartisan ballot Elections. No, Denver's is a Non-political Election. And over the years the indexed monopoly Government (1915), and the 2019 Indexed "Kleptocracy Government” have removed the non-political administrators; to Nonpartisan
Administrators by ballot only. When you look deeper into the Speer Amendment it does not say ballot only. Artificial Intelligence is now have their digital cross hairs on the entire Denver’s Elected Officials. And all their Supporters Friends nonprofits posing as nonpartisan. I am happy to say … You all can Bullshit Your Denver Circles, but you can’t bullshit Artificial Intelligence. - #Metahumanman
"They Are Going Through God For For Artificial Intelligence"
"They are going to Throw (through), the Biggest Party" code writings