The Future : City and County of Denver Future
The Future - City and County of Denver Future
Published Sep 15, 2019 3:15 AM by Marcus Giavanni Who | City What | GP7A News | Future News | About | City and County of Denver Future | The Future | Searching for Answers | Credibility Relevance Wisdom | #denver | #denvercolorado | #Future | 2020 Presidential Elections | Social Credit System Scores and Rankings 2020
City Denver: The Future is about the “City and County of Denver Future”. What Future for the Future Denver? Go Searching Future Answers on the Internet. What Future and Whose Future in the City and County of Denver, Colorado? About Future Government should #denver go to #denvercolorado. Asks #citycountyden on Twitter.
There are many in the City and County of Denver that have no clue what the internet will change on January 1, 2020. So many in the information Technology Industry, have no idea about the change from Fake and Bias Bullshit content (False Algorithms or Black Negative Data.) To Verified and Unbiased Content (Truth Algorithms or White Hat Positive Data).
Did you know? About Internet is a Tyrannical Beast it Feeds on the Emotions and Habits of Humans.