""City and County of Denver: */city of Denver/* #cityandcountyofdenver Non-Political" and "Home" Love, Live, Work, Play, Invest. Marcus Giavanni; Government, Politics, Entertainment, Metaverse, about Elections, Residents, Voters Business Owners".""
By Marcus Giavanni | PUBLISHED: Jul 31, 2010 6:13 AM | UPDATED: Jul 31, 2010 | UPDATE: Dec 15, 2023 1:57 AM
We are "City and County of Denver LLC".
City and County of denver: */city of Denver/*- #cityandcountyofdenver-Non-Political" and "Home" Love Live Work Play Invest #2023. Government, Politics, Entertainment, Metaverse, about Marcus Giavanni. Elections, Residents, Voters Business Owners. WE ARE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF DENVER.
PUBLISHED: Jul 31, 2010 2:31 AM | UPDATED: Sep 19, 2022 7:09 AM | UPDATE: Dec 15, 2023 1:55 AM by */Denver 2023/* “Marcus Giavanni” #2023denver Observer Indexer | "To Love Live Work Play Invest" in the “City and County of Denver" | About | City and County of Denver Home | Home (City and County of Denver) Colorado Capitol City Verified Google | Denver 2011 to 2021 Years In Review (10)

CityandCountyofDenver IoT: */Denvergov.org/* - about "Colorado"; #cityofdenver hashtag, @ #cityandcountyofdenver "Home" Love Live Work Play Invest by Marcus Giavanni.
""Denver is the Only City in the World who can reset it’s Government by Voting Non Political For Denver. And Either the current City Council denounces all Party Affiliation"."" and takes an oath, and swear allegiance to the Citizens’ Government of Denver. As per the Speer Amendment and restoring Denver’s City charter from the constant revised edition; Originals have been digitalize in 2019. We can all Bullshit God Bless Denver. But we can’t Bullshit God Bless Denver’s Artificial Intelligence. I did not need to be Mayor to create a digital dome of protection for the City and County of Denver, Colorado. Believe it or Not! – Marcus Giavanni
Marcus Giavanni Sues #paullopez5280 Denver District Courtroom 414 Case 23cv54

GP7A: Denver mayor's race results: Mike Johnston beats Kelly Brough - News
PUBLISHED: June 6, 2023, at 6:06 PM | UPDATED: June 7, 2023, at 4:26 AM
Entertainment: Music News / GP7A News: 8/2/2021 looking back at 2020
Producer Marcus Giavanni in 2019 co-directed; directed by Global Filmz a Florida Filming Agency. There was a trilogy of 3 music videos'. They contain two pole who used to work in law enforcement, and now they're both Miami's Top Casting directors. They are husband and wife. And when they go to sleep all hell breaks loose! As they Dreamscape each other's Immersive Sleepdreams.
The 1st Video "Gonna Go To The Super Bowl" - The two find themselves living the dream of going to the Super Bowl 2020. But like Wally World. It's not open! In this Video the MAN in the Mask is trying to tell everyone what's coming. This video was made November 17, 2019. On November 18, 2019. Marcus Giavanni 10 days later flue like symptoms, 14 days full blown covid-19 and almost died. This video was released January 27, 2020, the day after the tragic death of "Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna". On Sunday, January 26, 2020 Marcus Giavanni was awaken by visions, and a loud vibration roar, and later the news was Tragic. Believe it or not!
The next two Videos Filmed in Miami Florida:
The 2nd Music Video (Bad Boi Bad Gurl) was Filmed on the weekend of the Super Bowl; anything but glamorous, but the people where cool. This video is about the same couple who are doing a deal for some diamonds, it's what is inside the diamonds that brings the value. Although it's never revealed, yet??? So, what happens these two find out they are about to be doubled crossed by the woman's boyfriend; in the Blue Suit. (He's the one who tells here what to do, what to say, what not to say, cook his food, clean his close, the house bathroom, and clean up after huge parties. And the Man in the Blue site cheats, and beats on her. So, these two come up with the plan, to beat the cops, who were going to kill the bad guys. And he couple, but they flee with the money, diamonds, and the blue dudes girlfriend. And the cops; they're fake too!
The 3rd Music Video (Caviar) is about the same man and women and where they first met, at a bar in Del Ray Beach Florida. Tis video is about a dude who is going dancing to find himsalfe a girl friend. He nver made it to the club. We want to thank the Delray Police Force for keeping us safe during filming. All the citizens in Delray Beach Florida, thank you! - Marcus Giavanni
Paul Lopez Clerk and Recorder #paullopez5280 #milehighclerk

Paul Lopez Clerk and Recorder #paullopez5280 #milehighclerk

Paul Lopez Clerk and Recorder
City and County of Denver (@crdenver and #crdenver)
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City and County of Denver: Google*/#cityandcountyofdenver/* home @https://www.cityandcountyofdenver.com. PUBLISHED: Dec 13, 2022 3:13 AM | UPDATED: Dec 13, 10:53 PM by /Marcus Giavanni/ Observer Indexer at Colorado Politics for Denverites News | About | /Adriana Gibson/ no Superstar meta tags | /@adrinagibson/*-#adrinagibson/ about - Adrinagibson/*;

The 2023 Denver Mayoral Election
Published Aug 11, 2022 7:11 PM | Updated; Aug 13, 2022 6:48 AM by "city and county of Denver" LLC" verified by @ #cityandcountyofdenver and @ #cityandcountyofdenverllc | About | "The 2023 Denver Mayoral Election" Verified by "Denver Elections" @ #denverelections # @2023 Denver Municipal Elections @Denver Elections verified by https://www.cityandcountyofdenver.us / https://www.disinformationczar.us / https://www.googlebusinessdeveloper.com | About | "Michael B. Hancock" also Known As "Michael Hancock" @ #michaelhancock @ #michaelbhancock @ #mayorhancock @ #mayormichaelbhancock Next Mayor on January 1, 2023 Mayor | About | "Hancock Mayor's Office will be closed Down on July 17, 2023 the End of 60 years of Partisanship Kleptocratic Control of the Speer Amendment | Mayoral Candidate |
""Did you know Marcus Giavanni Claims, "Mayor Speer Day" on "July 17, 2023" 107 years, it took 12 Year achievement; Denver will Forever in back of the que; Dark Web by artificial intelligence's Marcus Giavanni. And Marcus Giavanni did not need to be mayor, to Fix Denver”.”” with Actions not Worthless Words for last 20 years of Mayor Hanock". – Marcus Giavanni